Nalternative medicine definition pdf files

The terms complementary medicine or alternative medicine refer to a broad. Alternative medicine definition of alternative medicine. Pdf to know the research progress of cupping therapy all over the world, the authors analyze the research of cupping therapy in recent 5 years. Alternative medicine is not medicine the stanford daily.

Exploring the science of complementary and alternative. Types of alternative medicine the term alternative medicine denotes any method of treatment other than conventional medicine. Its safe to say that most everyone allows for some form of mysticism in their lives. Alternative medicine is used in place of standard medical care. This guide provides links and references to reliable and current information sources for patients, families, and caregivers. Gale encyclopedia of alternative medicine, 2nd edition. If a nonmainstream practice is used together with conventional medicine, its considered complementary. Alternative medicine definition is any of various systems of healing or treating disease such as chiropractic, homeopathy, or faith healing not included in the. Complementary medicine is used in addition to conventional medicine, while alternative medicine replaces conventional medicine. Medicine has long decried acupuncture, homeopathy, and the like as dangerous nonsense that preys on the gullible. Pdf it has been estimated that twothirds of the worlds population seek health care from sources other than conventional biomedicine. If youll permit the oversimplification, one can imagine a spectrum of tolerance. Most people who use nonmainstream approaches also use conventional health care. Traditional medicine is defined as the sum total of the knowledge, skill and practices based on the theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness.

Nccam groups alternative medicine practices into the following categories. T he national center for complementary and alternative medicine nccam is the federal governments lead agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine cam. Over 30 percent of americans use some form of nonconventional medicine, according to the national center for complementary and integrative health. Alternative medicine is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard care. Standard care is what medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice. The national center for complementary and alternative medicine nccam is a government agency that performs research in the field. Complementary therapies are often based on traditional knowledge.

Cam refers to forms of health care that are used in addition complementary or instead of. There are many definitions of cam, none of them perfect. Cam stands for complementary or alternative medicine. Naturopathic doctors are trained in both conventional and alternative medicines. Naturopathic medicine is premised on the healing power of nature, and its a broad branch of alternative medicine. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine.